Sunday, January 15, 2012

Digital Basal Thermometer

Digital Basal Thermometer Review

Digital Basal Thermometer Feature

  • Sensitive to 1/10th of a degree for accurate readings
  • Beeps to indicate peak temperature reading
  • Features a large, easy-to-read digital display and free ovulation chart
  • Displays a memory recall of your last reading
Chart your Basal Body Temperature and predict ovulation - your most fertile time of the month for conceiving a baby - with a specially designed digital BBT Thermometer. When a woman ovulates, a rise in body temperature takes place in order to provide a more fertile environment for conception. By monitoring when this temperature change occurs, you can determine when ovulation takes place in your cycle. Recording each day's basal body temperature with a BBT Thermometer will help you predict ovulation. The Fairhaven Health Digital Basal Thermometer provides temperature readings to 1/100th of a degree - perfect for fertility charting and predicting ovulation.

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